discussion posts that do not foster discussion, low quality images/badly cropped memes, short reaction posts/rants/showerthoughts. NO LOW QUALITY CONTENT - Posts that are found to be low-effort will be removed at the mods' discretion e.g. NO CLICKBAIT - Use clear, concise and descriptive titles. NO FAKE EDITS - No fake edits allowed, please post to /r/LanaDelReyPictures/ instead. NOT NSFW - This is a fully SFW subreddit. KEEP IT CIVIL - We do NOT believe in hindering speech, however, if you start spitting out racial slurs, your comments will be removed on sight. NO ILLEGAL CONTENT - Any comment/post that directs to pirated content will be removed on sight and the user will be banned as well as any request for illegal content will be treated equally. All self promotion will be removed on sight. NO SELF PROMOTION - Your Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Tumblr, Soundcloud, etc. I was shocked to know she has a lot of amazing songs just waiting to be discovered (and released) Right now my favorites are Velvet Crowbar, Hollywoods Dead, Prom Song, Yes to Heaven, and On Our Way. NO REPOSTS - Use the search bar and check the subreddit’s feed for threads that have already been posted. Ive been listening to LDR on YouTube until it started recommending me her unreleased songs. NO SPAM - If you have any questions about what spam is, please refer to Reddit guidelines. Violets Bent Backwards Audio-Book Official Discussion ThreadĬhemtrails over the Country Club Official Discussion Hub Violets Bent Backwards Physical-Book Official Discussion Thread discussion posts that do not foster discussion, low quality images/badly cropped memes, short reaction posts/rants/showerthoughts.Norman Fucking Rockwell Discussion Thread

NO REPOSTS - Use the search bar and check the subreddit’s feed for threads that have already been posted. Norman Fucking Rockwell Discussion Thread