Big Swinger 3000 Polaroid Thermal Camera with Flir Lepton 3.5 sensor Big Swinger 3000 Polaroid Thermal Camera running DIY Thermocam firmwareīelow are some of my lo-res video works, that I will be continuing with soon. In the meantime I will continue to experiment with palettes and upscaling, with the eventual goal of maybe making prints. I’ll be putting some portraits as I take them below. version 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5) thermal imaging sensors. I have started doing some portraiture at slightly higher resolution, using the newly successfully built Polaroid Thermal Camera. Enclosure for a FLIR Lepton Breakout board and Raspberry Pi Camera. Find pictures of the camera itself here, when I get it fully functional. 32GB SanDisk Ultra UHS-I class microSDHC memory card with the. Raspberry Pi 8 MP Camera Board (the new Sony camera) Clear Raspberry Pi Case. Custom GroupGets Pylepton dual camera mount. The plans I used to design mine are here. This Kit is Comprised of the Following: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (Quad-Core 1.2 GHz 1GB RAM CPU and 4 USB Ports) FLIR/GroupGets FLIR Lepton Breakout Board v1.4. Update 11-1-22: The Polaroid Land Camera is provisionally functional and has ditched the raspberry Pi in favor of the Teensy 4.1.

I am entertaining the notion of doing higher res stuff with a camera designed by someone else, but I will continue to develop this lo-res raspberry pi driven camera. Using a Raspberry Pi I am able to make low resolution videos and images.

I recently started building a thermal camera into a used Polaroid Land Camera.